the blog of dr, john watson

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  1. frãulein

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    Realizzato sul personaggio inventato da Sir Arthur Conan Doyle e successivamente riadattato nel 2011 da Steven Moffat e Mark Gatiss per la serie tv Sherlock BBC.
    John Watson è come si sa, estimatore dell'amico Sherlock Holmes, sul quale scrive e argomenta i casi da loro affrontati. Nella versione del telefilm, ambientata ai giorni nostri, Watson farà lo stesso, ma come farlo meglio se non usando un blog? Ecco qui le citazioni a riguardo


    «Sherlock then had to prove me wrong».

    «I'm afraid I can't say anything else about the case other than it was probably the maddest adventure we ever had. I mean, Sherlock had to dress up as a clown! Mrs Hudson was pushed out of a helicopter! And me? Well, I had to do something I never thought I'd ever do».

    «But, yeah, we solved it. We discovered who'd killed who and how and why.
    But, most importantly, Sherlock had to dress up as a clown. And the fact that there are no photos of this is possibly the most frustrating thing in the whole damn world».

    [Riferita ai commenti di #TEAMMORIARTY, scrivendo a John] «Ignore them x».

    (Mary Morstan.)

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «He had an odd sort of justice. For all that he claimed to be cold and uncaring, he had his own sense of right and wrong».

    «Death by Twitter».

    «But, obviously, as everyone reading this blog now knows, all our cases were faked. They weren't real. None of it was real. None of this nonsense is real. It's all just lies. Isn't it?
    That's one for you, Sherlock».

    Harry Watson 23 May: «Wait! You're not on Twitter?!!».
    John Watson 23 May: «No. Never have been».
    Harry Watson 23 May: «Then who the hell have I been talking to on there?».

    «Sherlock had made a mistake.
    He is only human, after all».

    «What Christmas isn't complete without your guests being humiliated, your girlfriend dumping you and a woman being murdered».

    Marie Turner 15 September: «Is that where this ashtray came from?!».
    Marie Turner 15 September: «Mrs Hudson here».
    John Watson: «Remind me never to ask you for an alibi, Mrs H».

    «Sherlock is NOT amused».

    «Just another typical week at 221B Baker Street!».

    «Sarah came too but we broke up shortly afterwards. Not sure my life with Sherlock is compatible with long-term relationships».

    «Which is when Moriarty's phone rang. He took the call and called off his gunman. He was letting us live. And, as I finally breathed out, he left.
    And that's how Sherlock Holmes and I lived to see another day».

    [Riferito al racconto che riguarda il caso The Great Game] Harry Watson 01 April: «Haha! You're the April fool! You posted this after midday!!».
    John Watson: «It's all true, Harry!».

    [Commentando The Blind Banker] Bill Murray 28March: «Are you on drugs?!».
    Harry Watson 28 March: «I don't understand a word of that!».

    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «Where have I heard that phrase before? Diamonds are forever?».
    John Watson 23 March: «James Bond. You have heard of James Bond?».
    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «I've heard of him, yes».
    John Watson 23 March: «You haven't seen one, have you? Right, we're having a Bond night».
    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «It's nice to have something to look forward to».
    John Watson 23 March: «Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Sherlock».

    John Watson 23 March: «That WAS funny. Anyway, why are you writing on my blog when you're sat downstairs?!».
    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «I. AM. BORED. And I'm wondering what temperature I'd need to create to blow up your cans of beer...».
    John Watson 23 March: «OK OK I'm coming down».

    «WWhat!? Answer your phone!!!».

    (Harry Watson.)

    «Me and the madman. Me and Sherlock Holmes».

    «Met up with Bill Murray. Not the film star. He was the nurse who saved my life when I was shot. He's got married».

    Bill Murray 28 January: «Great to see you again, mate. And you should come down and meet the Mrs. Just remember she's mine, Casanova!».
    Harry Watson 28 January: «Casanova??! My brother?!?!».
    Bill Murray 28 January: «Oh yeah. The things he got up to before we went out to A. Dirty boy!».

    «Best Christmas I've ever had, actually».

    [Riferito allo smile] «Not long after, Sherlock did his own bit of graffiti».

    «He adored that hat so much.
    And, of course, Cluedo. He liked playing Cluedo. So did I. Before I played it with him. He actually deduced that the victim had done it. He deduced that the victim had faked his own death».

    «In fact, I think I said it was impossible. And he told me that it might be improbable but nothing's impossible.
    I wish I still believed that».

    «The thing is, I'm not an emotional person. I'm emotional, obviously. I have emotions but I don't embrace grief. I guess I'm very British.
    I don't like to talk about it».

    «I understand that he's dead. And I accept it. I still believe in him. In who he was. The truth behind that will come out, I believe that. But Sherlock is dead and that period of my life is behind me».

    «And that's what life is. Things happen. Then they're in the past. And you move on to new things. New people. New friends. New beginnings.
    But it's also important not to forget the past».

    «Remembering the past.
    And I won't feel sad about it. Not any more».

    «We did good and we had fun. And that's what I'm going to remember. My best friend, and he'd kill me for saying that's what he was, is dead. Sherlock Holmes is dead.
    But, by God, he'll never be forgotten».

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «He was my best friend and I'll always believe in him».

    «Many Happy Returns».

    «So, Greg came around the other day. He had a load of stuff that had belonged to Sherlock. Just tat really».

    «We've all got belongings and photos and furniture and books and... they're not who we are. They're just things we've accumulated over the years. They mean nothing».

    «But then there was this DVD. It was a video of Sherlock recording a message for my birthday dinner. A bunch of us went to this restaurant in Soho. It was great, actually. Everyone was there. Mike, Harry, Greg, Mrs Hudson, the usual suspects. Except Sherlock. He didn't come because he was 'busy'. He wasn't busy, he just...».

    «Yet the video... it showed the other side to him. He was rude, yeah. Arrogant. Apparently lacking in anything resembling empathy. But I'd forgotten just how funny he could be. He was so charming. So... human. It's bizarre because most people would say he was the most inhuman person they'd ever met. But he wasn't. He was everything a good person should be. He'd just often say what he was thinking rather than lying to protect our feelings».

    «Although maybe it was a good thing he didn't come to that birthday dinner...».

    «And now it's time for me to be honest. I'm meant to be keeping this blog to remind me of the good times. I know it's meant to be healthy but what's the point? I need to properly move on. I need to put it all behind me and move on».

    «And I'm so tired of deleting comments from people who don't believe me. Who think all this is a lie. I know it was real. There are so many people out there who know that all this was real. They believed in Sherlock».

    «And I've found someone. So I should concentrate on that».

    «So this'll be my last blog».

    «Sherlock, you bastard, wherever you are. Cheers.

    So yes.
    You'll have seen the news».

    «Where do I even begin?
    As the trending hashtag says: #sherlocklives».

    «Before we get to that, I hope you saw the other news. The pre-#sherlocklives news. The news that the police finally worked out that he was innocent».

    «Everything I've said on this blog has been the truth and now everyone knows it. I just want to take a minute to thank those who commented on here saying that they still believed in him. It really helped».

    «So yes. He's come back from the dead. Of course he has. Of course Sherlock Bloody Holmes could come back from the dead».

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «He'd done it to save us but he hadn't trusted us enough to tell us what was really going on. Not sure I'll ever truly forgive him for that but as the saying goes, life goes on».

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «He came back to life only for us to nearly die. Again. It's all life or death with him. Nothing in-between».

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «I was out having dinner with my girlfriend when he sauntered back into my world. He was dressed as a waiter. BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY. He genuinely thought it would be funny to surprise me. I think he was more surprised when I nutted him. But let's not dwell on that because again, as the saying goes, life goes on».

    «One of the scariest moments of my life. Trapped. Unable to move. I could hardly breathe. And all I could hear were children! Singing and laughing like they were in a horror movie».

    «Sherlock and my girlfriend turned up in the nick of time and saved me. It was probably Sherlock himself. Set it all up just so he could save my life so I'd forgive him about what he did. Nah, I know it wasn't really».

    «At first, I didn't really welcome him back into my life. I couldn't. I mean I know he's a psychopath and I've accepted that but what he did this time, it was too much. So I ignored him and got on with my life. But God, it was dull. I knew he was back. I knew that he was out there having the time of his life and I was... working. But I wasn't going to give in. He even replaced me! I refused to go back to Baker Street so he replaced me with Molly Hooper and started solving cases while he worked on the terrorist thing».

    [Riferito a Sherlock Holmes] «And he saved my life, of course. And I went to say thanks and... I was hooked. He's like a drug. He told me about the terrorist plot and I was hooked. I had to help him».

    «And, obviously, it would have killed us. But Sherlock, the clever bastard, knew where the off switch was.
    He saved our lives and he saved the country».

    «So that's it. Sherlock returns from the dead and we save the country. All in a day's work».

    «Oh, and in other news, I've got engaged. But, it's not something I'm really going to talk about much here. I want to keep some things private. I will say, though, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Sorry, Sherlock (:».

    «So, yes. It's all good. Better than good. It's bloody brilliant. #sherlocklives means #johnwatsonlives».

    Sherlock Holmes 7 November: «I see you haven't spent the last two years working on your writing technique».
    John Watson 7 November: «Seriously? Don't make me come over there, Sherlock».

    «My boys! Back together!».

    (Mrs. Hudson 7 November.)

    Molly Hooper 7 November: «It was a real honour to spend a day helping Sherlock. I'm not John though».
    John Watson 7 November: «He said you were really good!».
    Molly Hooper 7 November: «Did he?».
    John Watson 7 November: «Yeah! Said you did an amazing job».
    Molly Hooper 7 November: «That sounds like the kind of thing he would say (:».
    Molly Hooper 7 November: «Not».
    Molly Hooper 7 November: «But thanks (:».

    «I still can't believe it! The boys are back in town!».

    (Mrs. Hudson 7 November.)

    Mary Morstan 8 November: «I'm just glad you shaved off the moustache».
    John Watson 8 November: «We aren't talking about the moustache».

    Harry Watson 9 November: «YOURE GRETTING MARROIDED!?!?!!?!?!».
    Sherlock Holmes 9 November: «Oh, I think we should».

    «Everyone's back! We all live!».

    (Mike Stamford 9 November.)

    «But Sherlock was Sherlock. It was all a big game. Someone had started a new game with him and he had to win. That was something I'd learnt myself quite quickly into our friendship».

    «Ready to solve our next case. It's exhausting but, God, I've missed this life».

    «Sherlock Holmes, matchmaker».

    «Although I'm not as bad as Sherlock. The amount of times I've had to stop him telling people about it. I swear, I'm going to have to follow him at the wedding to stop him telling people!».

    «I might include it in my best man speech».

    «Sherlock didn't want me to write up this case for reasons that will become obvious. But there's no way I was going to pass up the chance to... well, you'll see!».

    «An impossible crime. Perfect for Sherlock.
    He couldn't work it out!».

    «Sherlock Holmes was bamboozled!».

    «But, while he was pleased to have worked out how it had been done, Sherlock was annoyed that he couldn't work out why he'd done it».

    «Because, sometimes, Sherlock Holmes can really miss the bloody obvious. I pointed out that it was just a tiny bit possible that possibly there was a man out there who just, possibly, maybe wanted a few one-night stands. I know, a shocking revelation. Case solved».

    «Wow!!!!!!!!! What a day!!!!!! That was the best wedding ever!!!!!! Sherlock was amazing! Love is amazing! Fluffy clouds and little birds are amazing!!! It was all just like so amazing! I'm going to write up all about it here! Because you all love reading my blog because I'm such a good writer!!! Perhaps I'll write about some of the other mundane stuff I do like playing board games or eating sandwiches and drinking tea in front of the Eastenders!».

    (Sherlock Holmes.)

    «Sorry. I can't do it any more. I was going to attempt to mimic John's style of writing for an entire blog post but life's too short. And I say that as someone who died over two years ago. Good evening everyone, this is Sherlock Holmes. John can't be with you today as he is on his Sex Holiday. Sorry, honeymoon».

    (Sherlock Holmes.)

    «They've chosen to go somewhere hot and sunny with beaches and cocktails or something. To be honest, he talks about things and I phase out. She's the same. They're both perfectly acceptable friends in their own way but then they start talking and I wish I really had died. I am, however, quite happy that they have found each other and that they make each other happy. That's nice, isn't it. And it is very nice to have the place to myself without their meaningless chatter distracting me from more important things».

    (Sherlock Holmes.)

    «If there are any attempted murders at John's next wedding, I promise to take photos.
    Good evening.
    Sherlock Holmes
    Consulting Detective and Best Man».

    (Sherlock Holmes.)

    Sherlock Holmes: «Does your wife know you're on the Internet when you're supposed to be enjoying your Sex Holiday with her?».
    Mary Morstan: «Yes. Yes, she does».

    Sherlock Holmes: «Mary. I've been doing some research and you need to avoid seafood».
    Mary Morstan: «SHERLOCK! SHUT UP NOW!».
    Sherlock Holmes: «I've just had a text from John. I'll shut up now».

    «But haven't you got better things to be doing? You're spending all your time on the Internet».

    (Sherlock Holmes.)

    Sherlock Holmes: «Is this why most of you are single?».
    John Watson: «Sherlock. You're being rude again».
    Mary Morstan: «John. You are reading your blog again».
    John Watson: «Sorry (:».
    Sherlock Holmes: «I just don't understand why you're all here. Go outside and find something to do».

    Sherlock Holmes: «Aren't you an actor?».
    Bill Murray: «Not that Bill Murray».

    Mrs. Hudson: «Sweetheart, do you want me to come up and play Cluedo wuith you?».
    Sherlock Holmes: «If you must».

    (Moffat, Gatiss, BBC.)

    sherlock prima, seconda e terza stagione christmas special

    Edited by deeproller - 4/1/2016, 12:08
  2. :swansong

    User deleted

    «Death by Twitter».


    «Sherlock, you bastard, wherever you are. Cheers.

  3. frãulein

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    a me fanno morire anche i commenti ai post

    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «Where have I heard that phrase before? Diamonds are forever?».
    John Watson 23 March: «James Bond. You have heard of James Bond?».
    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «I've heard of him, yes».
    John Watson 23 March: «You haven't seen one, have you? Right, we're having a Bond night».
    Sherlock Holmes 23 March: «It's nice to have something to look forward to».
    John Watson 23 March: «Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Sherlock».

    soprattutto quelli della Hudson/Mary Turner e John che ne maschera l'alibi xD
  4. frãulein

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    + 23 dall'ultimo post *^*
  5. :swansong

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    «I still can't believe it! The boys are back in town!».

    è la mia idola.
4 replies since 24/12/2013, 19:03   152 views