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  1. :swansong

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    «Get tangled up».


    «They’re taking adventure to new lengths».


    «A holiday motion picture event that takes adventure to new lengths».


    «The lanterns will lead her to her true destiny».


    «This is the story of how I died. But don’t worry, this is actually a fun story and the truth is it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel, and it starts with the sun. Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this small drop of sun grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «Can’t you see me in a castle of my own because I certainly can. All the things we’ve seen and it's only eight in the morning! Gentlemen, this is a very big day! ».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Looking at a Wanted dead-or-alive poster of himself] «Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very, very bad. This is really bad. [Pause] They just can’t get my nose right!».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Something jerked out of a bush, frightening Rapunzel | A bunny pops out] «Stay calm. It can probably smell fear».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose. [Inhales] «Really let that seep in. What are you getting? Because to me, that’s part man-smell, and the other part is really bad man-smell. I don’t know why, but overall it just smells like the color brown. Your thoughts?».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Looking at a Wanted dead-or-alive poster of himself at the Snuggly Duckling | Disgusted] «Ugh! Now they’re just being mean».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [During the ‘I’ve Got a Dream’ number, he was asked what his dream was] «Oh, no, no. Sorry, boys. [Quietly] I don’t sing». [Bunch of swords pointed at him, and he starts singing and dancing]

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [To Maximus] «Well, I hope you’re here to apologize».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [After knocking out several guards with frying pan] «Oh mama, I’ve got to get me one of these».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Sword-fighting Maximus with a frying pan ] «You should know that this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done! [Maximus flicks the frying-pan from Flynn’s hands] ...How ‘bout two out of three?».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Just avoided the Stabbingtons’ attack while swinging in Rapunzel’s hair] «HA! You should see your faces! Because you look... [Crashes into a beam | Strained] Ridiculous!».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [To Rapunzel] «So, you’re being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand…».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «Well, a fake reputation is all a man has».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «Frying pans! Who knew, right?».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Maximus helps him bust out of jail] «Thank you. I mean... all this time, we’ve been misunderstanding one another, and you know it’s… [Notices that Maximus is giving him a annoyed look] Yeah, you’re right. We should go».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Arrives at the tower in attempt to rescue Rapunzel from Gothel] «Rapunzel?! Rapunzel, let down your hair!».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    [Upon seeing Rapunzel with short brown hair] «Did I ever tell you I have a thing for brunettes?».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «I know that I’m not supposed to mention the hair... or the mother... and, frankly, I’m too scared to ask about the frog…».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «She broke into the castle and took Rapunzel. Just like that. Gone».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «Well... you can image what happened next, the kingdom rejoiced for their lost princess had returned the party lasted an entire week and honestly I don’t remember most of it».

    (Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider.)

    «OKAY, okay, okay… I’ve got a person...in my closet. I’ve got a person, in my closet. I’ve got a person in my closet! Haha! Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother? [Starts twirling frying pan] Well... [Laughs] ...tell that to my frying pa…». [Accidentally hits herself with pan]


    [To Maximus] «Look, today is kind of the biggest day of my life. And the thing is, I need you not to get him arrested. [Maximus glares at her] Just for 24 hours, and then you can chase each other to your heart’s content, ok? [Maximus glares again] And it’s also my birthday, just so you know».


    [After leaving her tower | Happily] «I can’t believe I did this! [Nervously] I can’t believe I did this. [Excitedly squealing] I can’t believe I did this! [Nervous laughter] ...Mother would be so furious. Well, that's okay! I mean, what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, right? [Rocking back and forth] Oh my gosh... This would kill her! [Running] This is so fun! [Puts head against a tree] ...I am a horrible daughter. I’m going back. [Cartwheeling] I am never going back! Woo-hoo! [Facedown in the grass] I am a despicable human being! [Swinging around a tree] Woo-hoo! Best! Day! Ever!».


    [Singing] «Flower, gleam and glow... Let your power shine... Make the clock reverse... Bring back what once was mine... Heal what has been hurt... Change the Fates’ design... Save what has been lost... Bring back what once was mine... What once was mine...».


    [Looking in the mirror with Rapunzel] «Rapunzel, look in that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. [Rapunzel smiles] Oh look, you're here too». [Laughs]

    ( Mother Gothel.)

    «Enough with the lights, Rapunzel! You are not leaving this tower! ever! [Sits down dramatically] Great. Now I’m the bad guy».

    ( Mother Gothel.)

    [After stabbing Flynn] «Now look what you’ve done, Rapunzel. Oh, don’t worry. Our secret will die with him. And as for us, we are going where no one won’t ever find you again!».

    ( Mother Gothel.)

    [After Flynn cuts Rapunzel’s hair] «No, no, no, no, no, no, UAAAH! What have you done! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! No!».

    (Mother Gothel.)

    Rapunzel: [after pulling Mother Gothel up the tower; out of breath] «Hi. Welcome home, Mother».
    Mother Gothel: «Oh, Rapunzel! How you manage to do that every single day without fail! It looks absolutely exhausting, darling».
    Rapunzel: «Oh, it’s nothing».
    Mother Gothel: [in a sing-song voice] «Then I don’t know why it takes so long!».

    Rapunzel: «So Mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow is a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, so I’m just gonna tell you: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Tada!».
    Mother Gothel: «No no no, can’t be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year».
    Rapunzel: «That’s the funny thing about birthdays, they’re kind of an annual thing».

    [After Rapunzel locks Flynn in her closet]
    Mother Gothel: «Rapunzel! Let down your hair!».
    Rapunzel: «One moment, Mother!».
    Mother Gothel: «I have a big surprise!».
    Rapunzel: «Uh... I do too!».
    Mother Gothel: «Ooh, I’ll bet my surprise is bigger!».
    Rapunzel: [to herself] «I seriously doubt it».

    [Repeated lines]
    Mother Gothel: «I love you very much, dear».
    Rapunzel: «I love you more».
    Mother Gothel: «I love you most».

    [Flynn wakes up by Pascal’s wet willy and finds himself tied to a chair with Rapunzel’s hair]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [to himself] «Is this... hair?».
    Rapunzel: [hiding in the dark] «Struggling... struggling is pointless! I know why you're here and I'm not afraid of you».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «What?».
    Rapunzel: [steps into the light] «Who are you, and how did you find me?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Uh-huh...».
    Rapunzel: «Who are you? And how did you find me?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [clears throat] «I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say... Hi. How ya doin’? The name’s Flynn Rider. How's your day goin’?».
    Rapunzel: [scoffs] «Who else knows my location, Flynn Rider?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Alright, Blondie».
    Rapunzel: «Rapunzel!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Gesundheit. Here’s the deal. I was in a situation, galavating through the forest, I came across your tower and... Oh... oh no... where is my satchel?».
    Rapunzel: [proudly] «I’ve hidden it. Somewhere you’ll never find it».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [looks around] «It’s in that pot, isn’t it? [Rapunzel hits him with her frying pan | Then Flynn wakes up again and notices that Pascal’s giving him another wet willy] AH! [Pascal jumps off him] Would you STOP THAT?!».
    Rapunzel: «Now, it’s hidden where you’ll never find it. So, what do you want with my hair? To cut it?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «What?».
    Rapunzel: «Sell it?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it... literally!».
    Rapunzel: «You… Wait, you don’t want my hair?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Why on earth would I want your hair? I was being chased, I saw a tower, and I climbed it. End of story».
    Rapunzel: «You’re telling the truth?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Yes!».

    Rapunzel: «Something brought you here, Flynn Rider. Call it what you will. Fate... Destiny...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «A horse».
    Rapunzel: «I have made the decision to trust you».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «A horrible decision really».
    Rapunzel: «But trust me when I tell you this: you can tear this tower apart brick by brick...but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Let me just get this straight. I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you’ll give me back my satchel?».
    Rapunzel: «I promise. [Flynn looks at her suspiciously] And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise. [Flynn still looks suspicious] EVER».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «All right, listen. I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder. [He puts on a pouty face, hoping to charm Rapunzel. She just looks at him sternly] This is kind of an off-day for me. This doesn't normally happen. [gives in] Fine! I’ll take you to see the lanterns».
    Rapunzel: «Really? [She jumps in excitement, letting go of the chair Flynn is sitting on. Flynn falls on his face] Oops».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [weakly] «You broke my smolder».

    [Rapunzel is having an emotional breakdown after leaving her tower]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «You know, I can’t help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here».
    Rapunzel: [stops crying] «What?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Now, I’m only picking up bits and pieces, of course; overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. I mean, this is serious stuff! But let me ease your conscience. This is just a part of growing up. A little adventure, a little rebellion... that’s good. Healthy, even».
    Rapunzel: [chuckles] «You think?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «I know! You’re way over thinking this, trust me. Does your mother deserve it? No. Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course, but you just got to do it».
    Rapunzel: «Break her heart?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «In half».
    Rapunzel: «Crush her soul?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [squishes a grape in his fingers] «Like a grape».
    Rapunzel: «She would be heartbroken, you’re right!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «I am, aren’t I. Oh, bother. All right, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m letting you out of the deal».
    Rapunzel: «What?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «That’s right! But don’t thank me. Let’s just turn around and get you home. Here’s your pan, here’s your frog. I get back my satchel. You get back a mother/daughter relationship based on mutual trust and voila! We part ways as unlikey friends».
    Rapunzel: «No! I am seeing those lanterns».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Oh come on! What is it gonna take for me to get my satchel back?».
    Rapunzel: [holds frying pan to his face] «I will use this».

    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Ah, there it is! The Snuggly Duckling. Don’t worry, very quaint place, perfect for you. Don’t want you “scaring” and giving up on this whole endeavor, now do we?».
    Rapunzel: «Well... I do like ducklings!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «YAY!».

    Hook Hand Thug : «That’s a lot of hair».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «She’s growing it out. Is that blood on your mustache? [to Rapunzel] Goldie, look at this. Look at all the blood on his mustache! Good sir that’s a lot of blood!».

    Rapunzel: [after releasing branch that hits Hook Hand Thug on the head] «PUT HIM DOWN! [everyone stops and stares at Rapunzel in disbelief] Okay, I don’t know where I am and I need him to take me to see the lanterns because I’ve been dreaming to see them my whole life! Find your humanity! Haven’t any of you ever had a dream?!».
    Hook Hand Thug : [draws his battle axe and walks over to Rapunzel] «I had a dream once».

    Hook Hand Thug : [to Rapunzel] «Go, live your dream».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «I will».
    Hook Hand Thug : «Your dream stinks. I was talking to her».

    Rapunzel: «So, Flynn. Where are you from?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sorry, Blondie. I don’t do backstory, however I am becoming very interested in yours. I know I'm not supposed to ask about the hair».
    Rapunzel: «Nope».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Or the mother».
    Rapunzel: «Uh-uh».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Frankly, I’m too scared to ask about the frog».
    Rapunzel: «Chameleon».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Nuance. Here’s my question, though. If you wanted to see the lanterns so badly, why haven’t you gone before?».
    Rapunzel: [chuckles nervously] «Well... [The tunnel begins to shake] Uh, Flynn? [They look back to find the guards and Maximus running after them] Flynn!».
    Captain: «RIDER!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Run. RUN!».

    [The Stabbington Brothers appear]
    Rapunzel: «Who’s that?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «They don’t like me».
    [The palace guards appear]
    Rapunzel: «Who’s that?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «They don’t like me either».
    [Maximus appears]
    Rapunzel: «Who’s that?!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Let’s just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn’t like me!».

    [while trapped in a quickly flooding cave]
    Rapunzel: «Mother was right, I never should have done this. [crying] I’m so... I’m so sorry Flynn».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [sighs] «Eugene».
    Rapunzel: «What?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [sheepishly] «My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Someone might as well know».
    Rapunzel: [smiling a little] «I have magic hair that glows when I sing».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «What!?».
    Rapunzel: [realization] «I have... magic hair that glows when I sing!».

    Rapunzel: «We made it».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [to himself] «Her hair glows...».
    Rapunzel: «We’re alive. We’re alive!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [still to himself] «I didn’t see that coming! Her hair actually glows!».
    Rapunzel: «Eugene...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [to chameleon] «Why does her hair glow?!».
    Rapunzel: «Eugene!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [hysterically] «What?!».
    Rapunzel: «It doesn’t... just... glow».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [looks at chameleon] «Why is he smiling at me?».

    [after healing Flynn’s hand at the campfire]
    Rapunzel: «Please don’t freak out!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «I’m not freaking out-are you freaking out? No I’m just very interested in your hair and the magical qualities that it possesses, how-long-has-it-been-doing-that-exactly?».
    Rapunzel: «Uh... forever, I guess. Mother says when I was a baby, people tried to cut it. They wanted to take it for themselves. [shows Flynn her only brown lock] But once it’s cut it turns brown and loses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That’s why Mother never let me... [sighs] That’s why I never left and...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «You never left that tower. And you’re still gonna go back?».
    Rapunzel: «No! Yes. [covers her face] It’s complicated. [size=0] [notices Flynn watching her and calms down] So, “Eugene Fitzherbert”, huh?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Ahh.. yeah, well. I’ll spare you the sob story of poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert. It's a little bit of a... it’s a little bit of a downer. [Rapunzel scoots closer to Flynn, anxious to listen] There was this book. A book I use to read every night to all the younger kids. “The Tales of Flynigan Rider”! Swashbuckling rogue, richest man alive, not bad with the ladies either. Not that he’d ever brag, of course».
    Rapunzel: «Hmm. Was he a thief too?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Uh... well, no. Actually, he had enough money to do anything he wanted to do; he could go anywhere that he wanted to go. And… and for a kid, with nothing, I don’t know. It just seemed like the better option. You can't tell anyone about this, okay? It could ruin my whole reputation».
    Rapunzel: «Ah! We wouldn’t want that».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Well, a fake reputation is all a man has. [Rapunzel laughs, then they gaze into each other's eyes] Well, I should, um... I- I should- I should get some more firewood».
    Rapunzel: «Hey. [Flynn looks back] For the record, I like “Eugene Fitzherbert” much better than “Flynn Rider”».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Well, then you’d be the first. But thank you».

    Mother Gothel: [appears] «Well, I thought he’d never leave».
    Rapunzel: [shocked] «Mother?».
    Mother Gothel: «Hello, dear».
    Rapunzel: «But I, I-I-I-I don’t, uh... how did you find me?».
    Mother Gothel: «Oh, it was easy, really. I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that».
    Rapunzel: [sighs] «Mother...».
    Mother Gothel: [interrupting] «We’re going home, Rapunzel. Now».
    Rapunzel: «Y-you don’t understand! I’ve been on this incredible journey, and I’ve seen and learned so much... I even met someone!».
    Mother Gothel: «Yes, the wanted thief. I’m so proud. Come on, Rapunzel!».

    [In the boat, Rapunzel sighs, suddenly feeling afraid]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [size=0] [noticing the look on Rapunzel’s face]
    «You OK?».
    Rapunzel: [meekly whispers] «I’m terrified».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [softly] «Why?».
    Rapunzel: «I’ve been looking out a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it’s not everything that I dreamed it would be?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [reassuringly] «It will be».
    Rapunzel: «And what if it is? What do I do then?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Well that’s the good part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream».
    [Rapunzel smiles, feeling reassured]

    Rapunzel: [In the boat, seeing Flynn with two lanterns] «I have something for you too. [size=0] [holding up Flynn’s satchel] I should have given it to you before, but I was just scared. And the thing is, I’m not scared anymore. You know what I mean?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [gently pushing the satchel aside] «I’m starting to».

    [Flynn is in jail, strolling around worried about what’s happended to Rapunzel. The door opens and comes the Captain of the Guard along with two guards]
    Captain Rapunzel: «Let’s get this over with, Rider».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Where are we going? [The Captain gives him a “You know” look, and Flynn places his hand around his neck] Oh».

    [Flynn is being escorted to the gallows; he sees the Stabbington Bros. and knocks out the two guards; he then threateningly advances to the Stabbington Bros]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT HER?! TELL ME, NOW!».
    Stabbington: [frightened] «It… It wasn’t us! It was the old lady».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Old lady?».

    Mother Gothel: «Rapunzel? Rapunzel, what’s going on up there? Are you alright?».
    Rapunzel: [whispers] «I’m the lost princess».
    Mother Gothel: [sighs] «Please speak up, Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling».
    Rapunzel: [speaks louder] «I am the lost princess! Aren’t I? [Mother Gothel stares at her, speechless] Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?».
    Mother Gothel: [pauses, then regains composure] «Oh Rapunzel, did you even hear yourself? Why would ask such a ridiculous question?».
    [Rapunzel pushes her away, angry and frightened]
    Rapunzel: «It was you! It was all you!».
    Mother Gothel: [coldly] «Everything I did was to protect you. [Rapunzel shoves past her] Rapunzel».
    Rapunzel: «I’ve spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my powers...».
    Mother Gothel: «Rapunzel!».
    Rapunzel: «When I should have been hiding... from YOU!».
    Mother Gothel: «Where will you go? He won’t be there for you».
    Rapunzel: «What did you do to him?».
    Mother Gothel: «That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes».
    Rapunzel: [gasps] «No».
    Mother Gothel: «Now, now. It’s alright. Listen to me. All of this is as it should be».
    [She tries to touch Rapunzel but Rapunzel grabs her wrist]
    Rapunzel: «No! You were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about me! AND I WILL NEVER LET YOU USE MY HAIR AGAIN!».
    [Mother Gothel breaks free of Rapunzel’s grip, only to cause a nearby mirror to fall and smash. Rapunzel then turns to leave.]
    Mother Gothel: «You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. [advances toward Rapunzel threateningly] Now I’m the bad guy...».

    [The doors closed and the guards stopped Flynn from guiding]
    Capitan: «What’s this? Open up!».
    Shorty: «What’s the password?».
    Capitan: «What?».
    Shorty: «Nope».
    Capitan: «Open this door!».
    Shorty: «Not even close».

    Hook Hand Thug : «Head down».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Head down».
    Hook Hand Thug : «Arms in».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Arms in».
    Hook Hand Thug : «Knees apart».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Knees ap… [flabbergasted] Knees apart? Why do I need to keep my knees apa… [Vladimir jumps down from a balcony to where Flynn is standing on a wheelbarrel sending him flying] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!».

    [Rapunzel checks on Flynn’s wound he took from Gothel’s knife]
    Rapunzel: «Oh, I'm so sorry. [Places her hair on the wound] Everything's gonna be okay».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [Shaking her off] «No, Rapunzel.
    Rapunzel: «I promise. You have to trust me».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «No».
    Rapunzel: «Come on, just... breathe».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «I can’t let you do this».
    Rapunzel: [Tearfully] «And I can’t let you die».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «But if you do this...».
    Rapunzel: «Shh, shh, shh».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «...then you will die».
    Rapunzel: «Hey... It’s going to be all right».
    [Flynn smiles; Rapunzel tries to sing the incantation]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Rapunzel. [Rapunzel looks at him] Wait».
    [Flynn pulls her head toward him | she closes her eyes, thinking they’re going to kiss; but Flynn sneaks a mirror shard and cuts Rapunzel’s hair, then drops shard]
    Rapunzel: [Her hair turns brown | Shocked] «Eugene, wha…».

    Rapunzel: «No, no, no, no, no! Eugene! [Eugene weakly coughs] No! Look at me! look at me, I’m right here. Don’t go! Stay with me, Eugene! [picks up his hand and places it on her head; singing] Flower gleam and glow...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [weakly] «Rapunzel».
    Rapunzel: «Let your power shine...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [louder] «Hey!».
    Rapunzel: «Make the clock reverse, Bring back what once was mine...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [pulls her head in his direction | as loud as he can be] «RAPUNZEL!».
    Rapunzel: [Crying] «What?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [size=0] [Pause]
    «You were my new dream».
    Rapunzel: [Chuckles sadly] «And you were mine [Flynn draws his last breath and slowly dies in Rapunzel’s arms, leaving her completely heartbroken]
    Rapunzel: [draws closer to Eugene's face | singing] «Heal what has been hurt... Change the fate’s design... Save what has been lost... Bring back what one was mine... [normal] What once was mine».
    [Rapunzel cries and a tear lands on Eugene’s face, then the tear dissolves into Eugene’s face and his wound starts glowing and healing; Rapunzel watches in complete shock; As the glowing fades, Rapunzel sees that the wound is gone and desperately looks at Eugene’s face]
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [opens his eyes and gazes at Rapunzel] «Rapunzel?».
    Rapunzel: [gasps] «Eugene?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for brunettes?».
    Rapunzel: [overjoyed] «EUGENE!». [she, first, embraces him, then, kisses him]

    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «But I know what the big question is: Did Rapunzel and I ever get married? Well I am happy to say after years and years of asking, I finally said yes».
    Rapunzel: «Eugene!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «All right, I asked her».
    Rapunzel: «And we’re living happily ever after!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Yes we are».

    Gothel: «Ti voglio talmente bene...».
    Rapunzel: «E io di più».
    Gothel: «E io anche più del tuo più».

    Rapunzel: «Qualcosa ti ha portato qui da me. Chiamalo come vuoi: destino, fato...».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Un cavallo...».
    Rapunzel: «Ecco perché ho deciso di fidarmi di te!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Pessima decisione».
    Rapunzel: «Perché... se vuoi puoi fare a pezzi la torre, smontarla, mattone dopo mattone, ma senza il mio aiuto non riuscirai mai a trovare la tua preziosa borsa!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Allora, vediamo se ho capito bene. Io ti accompagno a vedere le lanterne, poi ti riporto a casa, e a quel punto tu mi ridai la borsa?».
    Rapunzel: «E' una promessa. E quando prometto sta pur certo che niente, niente mi farà tradire la promessa. Niente!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Daccordo, senti, io non sarei voluto arrivare a questo, ma ormai non mi lasci scelta: sguardo che conquista. [Flynn prova a fare uno sguardo tenero, ma con Rapunzel non funziona] Deve essere una giornata no per me, in genere funziona sempre. Va bene, ti accompagno a vedere le lanterne».
    Rapunzel: [felicissima] «Davvero?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: [caduto a terra, con voce dolorante] «Lo sguardo che conquista si è appannato».

    Rapunzel: «Non posso credere di averlo fatto! Non posso credere di averlo fatto. Non posso credere di averlo fatto! Mamma sarebbe furiosa. Ma non fa niente, perché se non lo sa non soffrirà, giusto? Ma cosa ho fatto, questo potrebbe ucciderla. È troppo divertenteee! Sono una pessima figlia, torno indietro. Non tornerò più indietro! Sono un essere spregevole. Uuh-uuh, il giorno più bello di sempre!».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Lo sai, non riesco a fare a meno di notare che sembri leggermente in guerra con te stessa».

    «Sentite! Io non so dove mi trovo, io ho bisogno che lui [Riferita a Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider] mi accompagni a vedere le lanterne perché è il sogno più grande della mia vita. Ritrovate un po' di umanità! Nessuno di voi ha mai avuto un sogno?».


    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Rapunzel?».
    Rapunzel: «Cosa?».
    Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider: «Tu eri il mio nuovo sogno!».
    Rapunzel: «E tu eri il mio...».



    Edited by :swansong - 8/9/2012, 13:21

    © Terri

    Casa discografica.

    che bello! :')
  3. Choref

    User deleted

    E' bellissimo (:
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