gary oldman

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  1. ring'bell

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    «Ognuno si dà un codice per regolamentare la propria vita. Non sempre lo si segue, però c'è».

    «Per essere bravo nel mestiere, l'attore deve essere un po' egoista».

    «Se gli americani avessero il senso dell’umorismo, il mondo sarebbe migliore».

    «Però in California sto bene: ho raggiunto quella serenità che, spesso sbagliando, ho cercato tutta la vita».

    Intervistatore: «Lei è un grandissimo attore, che ha fatto film molto brutti…».
    Gary Oldman: «Vero, e non me ne vergogno affatto. Si lavora anche per il denaro, e per tenersi in allenamento. Ho imparato a essere paziente: prima dovevo recitare sempre. E amare continuamente. Certi errori, li ho fatti perché avevo fretta di vivere».

    Intervistatore: «Adesso sembra un uomo tranquillo. È davvero così?».
    Garyy Oldman: «Non fuggo più. All’alcol ho rinunciato già da un po’ di tempo: preferisco giocare a Lego coi figli».

    Intervistatore: «Il suo personaggio, in La talpa, non è una spia da film d’azione. Indossa impermeabili incolori, si muove lentamente. Quanto le è costato rinunciare al suo potere seduttivo?».
    Gary Oldman: «Niente. George Smiley è uno dei più grandi personaggi della letteratura contemporanea. Ho puntato sull’intuizione, sull’istinto. Lo faccio anche per conquistare una donna: non penso mai “sono bello”».

    Intervistatore: «Si definisce “un padre single”: sua moglie cosa dice?».
    Gary Oldman: «Sa che la amo, ma i ragazzi sono la prima cosa. Dopo il divorzio dalla madre, li ho cresciuti io. Mi innamoravo, mi fidanzavo, ma la mia vita erano loro. Per loro ho superato l’alcolismo. E ho doppiato adorabili cartoni animati».

    Intervistatore: [Riferito a Robert Downey Jr] «Quest’ultimo, come lei, ha detto di sentirsi un sopravvissuto. Perché voi attori siete spesso così inquieti?».
    Gary Oldman: «Per lavoro creiamo emozioni e per farlo dobbiamo viaggiare dentro di noi. A volte è pericoloso: diventi vulnerabile. Non hai più difese. E sbagli».

    Intervistatore: «Rimpianti?».
    Gary Oldman: «Non aver potuto lavorare con i registi italiani che Isabella Rossellini mi fece conoscere: Pasolini, Germi, Monicelli. Nel privato, non saprei: i figli ti fanno guardare avanti, i rimpianti indietro. Per me contano i ragazzi».

    «Chris era un grande fan del fumetto e dell'idea originale di Batman che era molto più dark. Quel film ha rappresentato uno stimolo per Chris che mi disse: 'Intendo reinterpretarlo, voglio renderlo più realistico, c'è bisogno di spiegazioni'».

    [Riferito a Christopher Nolan] «Poi mi ha proposto un villain e a quel punto ho pensato che non avrei più potuto farlo. Sentivo di aver usato tutti i miei assi nella manica per i "cattivi". Ci ho riflettuto e poi ho detto al mio manager: "Che ne dici di Jim Gordon?", così l'ho proposto a Chis e lui mi ha scritturato».

    [Riferito a Michael Caine] «C'era una scena nel Cavaliere Oscuro - Il Ritorno in cui Michael doveva commuoversi. E' stata struggente, quasi dolorosa da guardare. E' arrivato sul set e ciak uno: buona. Ciak due: ottima. Ciak 3: perfetta. E' stato come assistere ad una esemplare dimostrazione di recitazione. Ricordo di aver detto a Christian: "Ecco come diavolo si fa"».

    «Quando abbiamo girato il Cavaliere Oscuro non sapevamo se ci sarebbe stato un terzo capitolo. Quindi ti rassegni e poi non ci badi più. Ma poi quando ritorni con tutte le persone che hai conosciuto è proprio come una rimpatriata».

    «Quando ti piace qualcosa e ti diverti a farlo vuoi che vada avanti. Ma prima o poi deve finire».

    «I applaud anything that can take a kid away from a PlayStation or a Gameboy - that is a miracle in itself».

    «I got obsessed with classical music, I got obsessed with Chopin, with playing the piano».

    «To be honest, I'm a little tired of playing bad guys. I long to do a comedy. But it was fun knocking Indiana Jones around».

    «My big love was the Beatles. I was more into music».

    «I wanted to tell this specific story more than I wanted to throw a camera around. We're given a code to live our lives by. We don't always follow it, but it's still there».

    «I had a guitar when I was 6 or 7, a plastic guitar with the Beatles' faces on it. It would be a collector's item now. It would fetch a hefty sum, I imagine».

    «What's fascinating is that when you write a script, it's almost a stream of consciousness. You have an idea that it means something, but you're not always sure what. Then when you get on the set, the actors teach you».

    «When I directed, it was in a bubble, a creative bubble and I was very spoilt there. I'd like to do it again but it would have to be under my method».

    «Rather like Batman, I embody the themes of the movie which are the values of family, courage and compassion and a sense of right and wrong, good and bad and justice».

    «Wanting to be a good actor is not good enough. You must want to be a great actor. You just have to have that».

    «It's becoming increasingly harder and harder; there's no such thing as independent film anymore. There aren't any, they don't exist. In the old days you could go and get a certain amount of the budget with foreign sales, now everybody wants a marketable angle».

    «I used to like Batman when I was a kid. I was about five years old and my mum had a 1960s belt - remember those wide belts - and I stuck packets of cigarettes to it and painted it yellow and that was my utility belt. And I had a sheet from crepe paper and a mask and that was it».

    «It's always hard when you're playing someone for a lot of people out there who are going to see the movie after reading the books. There's a communion between a reader and the writer, so people will have an idea who Sirius Black is and I might not be everyone's idea of that».

    «But you see, I have played more good guys than I have played villains».

    «If one could have a wish, or an alternative life, I would've liked to have been John Lennon».

    «Well, I needed the work - that's the honest answer. I haven't worked for a while, a couple of years. So I thought it would be nice to get back to work and earn some money».

    «I hadn't worked for a couple of years so I thought it would be nice to earn some money and pay the bills».

    «Your own barometer is all you have to go by, and often what makes a good director is knowing when not to say something. On occasions you can find yourself on a film set where the person who is wearing the director's hat is only trying to justify his position».

    «My passion and energy get mistaken for anger».

    «I never told my father I loved him before he died, and I have a lot of issues about that. They're all swimming around in my head, in my heart, unresolved, and in a way it felt fitting to dedicate the film to him».

    «Speaking very generally, I find that women are spiritually, emotionally, and often physically stronger than men».

    «I'm not the best audience for that because I'm not a great science-fiction fan. I just never got off on space ships and space costumes, things like that».

    «Interesting things come your way but as you get older, your lifestyle changes. I don't want to travel; I don't want to be in a hotel room away from my family».

    «To be able to do this job in the first place you've got to have a bit of an ego».

    «Growing up in a particular neighborhood, growing up in a working-class family, not having much money, all of those things fire you and can give you an edge, can give you an anger».

    «I wasn't ever a huge fan of comics. Just not one of those kids, you know?».

    «I was brought up by my mother and my two sisters, although they're older than me and fled the nest very young, so I was technically raised as an only child, but I was very much loved».

    «The film follows very much in the tradition of social realism, because I wanted to see a subject like this tackled with honesty».

    «People have an idea that one is in control of a career, a lot more than you really are. You can engineer things to an extent. But you are at the mercy of what comes in across the desk».

    «These were people who came from a real drinking culture, where your passport to manhood was that, at fourteen or fifteen, you go to the pub, drink beer, play darts, tell sexist, racist jokes. You've got to be homophobic - all that. You've got to be that guy at the bar».

    «Shakespeare doesn't really write subtext, you play the subtext».

    «I suddenly got obsessive about boxing and Muhammad Ali around the time he was fighting Joe Frazier. I went off and did boxing. I looked incredibly good in the gym».

    «How many movies do you see when you can say this director really knew what film he wanted to make? I can count them on the fingers of one hand».

    «People imagine that actors are being offered everything and you are not. So things come in and sometimes there are things that I want and can't get a meeting on, or go to a different actors».

    «So Harry Potter came in and it is nice that I have kids of the right age. I took them to London and they walked around the set and met Harry Potter and that is thrilling».

    «I have three kids who like Harry Potter so I was sort of aware of it. You can't really move from it: it's on buses, in stores, it's everywhere. One of my kids has read the books; the other two are too small but they like the movie».

    (Gary Oldman.)

    Edited by gypsÿ - 25/8/2012, 12:28
  2. lovesucks‚

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    waaaa gary♥
  3. ring'bell

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    UPDATE +13 in ITA
    sapete... a volte la sua inquietudine mi assorbe e mi spaventa. però sono felice che abbia trovato "la pace dei sensi" per se stesso, per la sua famiglia e per il suo lavoro (:

    Edited by gypsÿ - 25/8/2012, 14:47
  4. Pond

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    «My big love was the Beatles. I was more into music».

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